sab welcome_to_blather

ive been
introspective this past year
or maybe jsut these past few months

a journo once said
put things out there
and someone will read them

introspective turned outwards

meanings cunningly hidden
the events obscured, but the emotions
on display
for all to see
peering through the aquarium
of this blue blue world

self referential words
will not implode

it took me a long time to understand that.

a_map_of_art_a_path_of_poetry red_wine and thou

welcome to
welcome to
i guess you're welcome to it all

for a private girl, i sure as fuck have put a lot of things out there.
monee . 041224
misstree what better place to put them? 041226
1 0... 041226
Moon Finger 041226
unhinged i finally framed the picture of you
i used to keep in my purse
pull out at the busstop
to show my friends at the bar
there is a big crinkle
down the middle of your face

that was the christmas
that stupid crack whore
made you sad
it's forever trapped
in that picture
of us
in our standard pose
we've had since we were kids
on the front porch
that won't be our parents' much longer

i don't have enough pictures of you
i don't have enough time with you
to relearn who you are now

but whoever you are
even as my heaving heart is cracking
without you

(it's too cold here to be alone)
what's it to you?
who go