girl_jane I have a bad habit of getting in a new relationship, getting caught up in it all-thinking this guy's different-this guy is great-I haven't felt this way before...

I recently realized I've felt like that at the beginning of all my relationship. Then I realized that all of them had ended-because I didn't feel different...I wasn't *in love*

So I did it again. Only this guy was lucky. I didn't drag it on for months more. I broke his heart earlier instead of later. That means he'll be over me sooner than later.

I feel like such a bitch. I think I'll stay single for a while.
god ha ha ha ha ha! god that was funny! 030619
endless desire god? 030619
god it's a habit of mine, feeling the wrong thing. 030620
sirflaccid I cannot forget the things that make me useful. I am supposed to be the protector, the safe place to hide. I am the one who will carry you. It is hard to let go of that. Especially when you are so confused. 030705
Sintina is waning with time 051117
what's it to you?
who go