whisper_to_the_moon I talk to myslef all the tyme... especially when i feel lonely, and have no one else to talk to (always)... no one seems to entirely understand me... even I don't really understand myself. So I guess that's a lot to ask from a person: to understand me. Talking to myself helps to ease the pain when I'm about to blow up. But sometimes it scares people. Humming, mumbling, and talking to myself. I guess I can see why it scares them, but they should also at least try to understand why I have to do it... I would explode if i didn't. Talking to myself...i guess... to try to understand myself. To work things out between me and my mind. I talk to myself. 040627
unhinged oh my god do i talk to myself

i really don't have anyone else to talk to around here though

'i didn't go to work for a month
i didn't get out of bed for eight days straight
i haven't hung out with anyone
if i did i'd have nothing to say'
puredream I always feel like I talk to myself.
But sometimes it's as if you can hear me.
So sometimes maybe I get to talk to you also.
JdAwG I can hear you. Sometimes I feel like I think so loud you can hear me. 040628
shower singer I laugh at myself too, when I do something stupid. 040628
super dots I like talking to myself, but I'm really just thinking out loud, I might sound like a lunatic but I try to control it. In fact I think I will stop I'm sick of bugs. 040628
pete i talk to things that don't talk back instead of talking to myself, but the internal dialogue never ends. 040629
andru235 'cuz who else do i have to talk openly with? 051021
no reason me: "dude, you are way too (not fucking top) drunk for it to only be 11:29 p.m.!"

me: "fucking top! i know!"

me: "wheeeeeeeeeeee!"
i am talking_to_myself 051022
do you like talking_to_yourself 051022
what's it to you?
who go