yippee yo yeay you wanted it,
so here it is.

why is the sky so breathtaking?
ClairE Tell me why. You know what I'm looking for.

If you can't do that, tell me how. Actually, "how" first is better. Then "why".
Jenna The sky is so breathtaking because its the last great expanse that you can take with you anywhere, and yet you can't capture. It is the last wild child of domesticated nature. 020115
Jenna and thank you for this, yippee yo yeay. :)

ƒ As so as you're born you start dying
so you might as well have a good time ƒ
yippee yo yeay *awesome* answer, chica.

now i wanna know why i am so extraordinarily happy right now.
Jenna I hope you are still happy.

.....[Happiness comes from the small things.].....
~Your favorite song coming on the radio
~Your teacher/boss letting you out of class/work early
~Getting up early without an alarm and plenty of time
~an unexpected phone call from that person you were thinking about all day
~eye contact and a smile from a cute stranger
.....[Happiness comes from the small things.].....
framejam when do the muffins get her, jenna? i'm hungry. call that guy and tell him to hurry his rump up before i get pugnacious. 020123
framejam dammit. "her" is "here". yeah. i killed it, didn't i? i freakin' killed it. 020123
Jenna Hey blatherkids, show me love. :) 020604
User24 asks, are you still around? 030918
Jenna I'm in and out. 040128
what's it to you?
who go