sabbie and i read an interview years ago with some tattooed guy who said his tats were like tree rings to show where he was at the point in his life where he got each one.

and nieve little sab thought no, thats not right, cos she knew that when you get a tat you have to chose one that will be perfect forever, cos youre going to have it forever.

but however many years on, and however many tats on, and i come to the understand that he was right. standing in the mirror i can see where i was at each turn. and here i was born and here i died, coloured tree rings to remind me where ive been and who i was.

a map of steps to show how i have come to who i am


and now, looking around with my tree_ring understanding i see that i have tree rings of different media everywhere.

take to the sky by tori was a tree ring.
outta me, onto you by ani_defranco is a recent tree ring.

stand tall and look back and i can see my stepping stones and tree rings.
sabbie the path to who i am
silent helper ani_difranco 021222
. . 031122
marked . 031123
marked again 041124
daxle this give me an idea. i've been thinking of a background for my back tattoos, something in a pale hazy violet... and i was thinking more stars but it didn't seem quite right. maybe tree rings.
in other news, i am now far away enough from my education that i no longer thought of any of the technical aspects of tree rings.
what's it to you?
who go