trixie sorry i left my jacket in the backseat... it was a bad move. so you can add my name to the list of people who leave things in your car. i'll get it when i get back from ny... although it would have been nice to have it there... goddamnit augh. okay ya, just don't throw mud on it. thanks. 030529
jane i have already burned through it four hundred times with my cigarette...and it's not those dinky capris that you smoke, these are my five ton cigars. also, i wore it to the rodeo and it got a little trampled upon, but no worries, i bought you a new one. it's electric blue with yellow stripes, so if you're ever going jogging in the eighties you'll fit right in. peace out
i can't believe i just said that
dumpster dan a big steaming log 030530
splinken If I were ever in Lauren's car, I would probably leave the cellophane wrapping off of a package of cigarettes, because I am messy and inconsiderate.

jane that's not bad at all

crista left something like fifty candy wrappers all over, not to mention numerous water bottles and other sorts of debris...and she denies that she ever leaves anything...
trixie thank you for taking care of my baby while I was away

ps- i would enjoy an 80s jogger jacket... so ya know, if you have the urge...gimme a call...
jane okay well i lied about the chaqueta (the 80s one i mean..actually both of them) but crista left more aluminum foil in my car than is worth cleaning out

silentbob burger king wrappers
Borealis I left a lot of shredded styrofoam in jesse's car..
roughly the amount one would use to protect two double doors.

*maniacal laughter ensues*
what's it to you?
who go