mon i wish i could write the way
i am feeling i wish i could
write it all down and it
would leave my body

maybe i should grab a pen
some paper and a candle
to burn the words when i am done
mon i wish these little nothing stains
i wish they didn't hurt to wear
it would be so nice if
i could have stayed dry
when the world was water over me

i wish it had been another life
i wish i had never felt
sorry to be alive
i wish you would've
i can't blame you but
i can't hold my breath forever
if i jump there will be waves
mon i wish there was a blather candle 040103
mon i wish i had scales
i could balance the tide
i could find the bottom
i would be free
whitechocolatewalrus i wish my scales were glittery
i wish i were me
glittery jittery me
me an me an me
under the bottom
of the sea
all the glitter hides
aways from me
a candles to start the flame
an burn everything
under the sea
mon smash
seashells into chalk
soft powder fine
to paint
on dark faces in
the murky muck of dreams
celestias shadow one_fish
two fish
red fish
blue fish

*splash* make a wish, sweetie
what's it to you?
who go