dafremen Disclaimer: This list is not comprehensive and may not contain your own personal favorite "thing not to kick." This being the case, feel free to add your own as time and creativity allow:

1. Nitroglycerin
2. A moving car (in the front)
3. Fresh crap
4. A tarantula's egg sac
5. A balloon full of snot
6. Cats with large rectums (in the behind)
akuma aoi in retrospect, heroin. 050801
sanguineous large rotten fruit. 050801
jane a bowling ball

at least not with your toes

a cheetah
ukulele -bee hive
-pitt bull
-clean up bag from the animal shelter
-my grandma
jane a dead horse 050801
Doar Letting His Brain Rot a forklift
the twilight zone
the imagination of a child
a hockey puck
the only light on
daf akuma...thought you should know that your blathe was very clever. I've admired it every time I visit this blathe. (Along with my own of course.) 050802
birdmad yeah, daf, somedays, a relapse sounds like fun, and these last few days are among them 050802
TK A baby

The only dreaking water you have (ewww why'd you stick ur icky foot in my water and splosh it every wear?)

A stack of raiser Blades (barefooted)

An already angry bear

A Hot frying pan (barefooted)

The person atempting to save your life

Dead people
dafremen Hey there Besos Venenosos!! Where the -=BLEEEEEEEEEP=- were you? 050830
ike broflovsky "don't kick the baby" 050830
stork daddy the bucket. 050830
dries&hardens THE habit 060121
IGG a cloud

i think that would be rather frustrating.

however i would like to kick the back of the foot that was kicking. with itself.
what's it to you?
who go