just another losing hand the king of hearts

appropriately enough

it's all so clear now
yummyC queen of herats is a whore.
i caught her makin out with the jack of spades in the garden.
freakizh death of a salesman.

too much to handle.
archer The queen now has shitloads of money.
Coincidentally her name was Sue A Side.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl I am the queen_of_hearts
Anyway, the jack of spades looks like erroll flynn.
I used to make up stories about their lives when I was younger. Maybe that's why when I do anything it has to feel right. Probably because I would make a boring plot unless I write myself an intriguing and thrilling life for special people to read.

Not a perfect life, but a perfect plot.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i went to school dressed as the queen of hearts on world book day 2000 or maybe it was 1998.
this one guy looked at me and said
'Who are you supposed to be? The Love Lady?'
I almost cried with laughter.
How apt it seems. If I was a card, I would be her. No question about it. She is very much like me. But I'm not a whore. Yet anyway, lol.
You are the Jack of Hearts. He was always the gay one.
what's it to you?
who go