Perspective_Of_Soul I am feeling somewhat dazed and confused.My head wants to do things but my body cannot.There are so many things to do and so much time to do them it seems.It shall go on forever.
I hope i fade away.
Perspective_Of_Soul Changed my mind.
It changes without me anyway.
I do not see any reason to sleep.There is a reason to stay awake tho i believe.
At least that is something.I shall not be one who resides without doing anything.
I have to do something, there should be something to do.
There should be things that are to be said.There should be things that are to be done.
I think i shall do all these things much better if i do not sleep.
Sounds like a waste of time to me anyway.Allowing our minds to be more active and at a time when it is rare we can use what what we have inside.I am going to invite all that resides within me, out of there.
I want to see that which is truly there.I hope it is better.I hope it makes everything better.
I cannot stop moving my body.
I popped some pills just before for headaches.I think it was caused by the fear i have of having one.
Phoenix Dazed
Gazing inward but nothing to see.
Wanting darkness. Oblivion. Time to rest.
No time to rest.
No rest for the weary.
But sleep calls.
Sweet siren song.
So sleepy...
Soft blankets and pillows
So sweet.
Sweet dreams.
what's it to you?
who go