grendel The inverted cross

mistakenly used in fiction (and by ignorant eighteenth century occulists) as a symbol of shock value
the inversion of the cross of christ

actually a symbol of
the humility of St. Peter in his martyrdom

he insisted that he be crucified upside down because he did not feel that he was worthy to die in the same position as Christ

See also Saint_andrew's_cross
lori-the-zombie awww you got that off the x-files 000724
supersadomasochisticexpialidocious no, actually i was quite the young zealot until the age of fifteen, even going so far as to contact a number of seminaries about the possibility of entering the priesthood until a series of personal setbacks made me embark on a rather perverse voyage of discovery

so, in my religious stage i knew of Saint Peter's Cross and Saint_Andrew's_Cross

and when i learned certain skills from certain people who taught me that pain and pleasure can be nearly the same ( a fixation that i do not readily confess outside the anonymity of a forum like this) i saw them put to uses more amusing than the creation of martyrs

(besides i haven't been able to catch an episode of X-files in almost 3 years...what episode/season was this...sounds
MollyGoLightly i guess i'd just call him "my little pineapple upside down cake," and go to work with the back end of a hammer to wrench the nails out.

i've always been a sucker for a martyr.
what's it to you?
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