Dafremen R. Dafremen

Did you ever:

Overlook the three leaf clovers while searching for one with four?

Forget how good the well water tastes when you haven't had a drink for hours?
How good a glass of soda tastes when you've been drinking water for months?

Have a better bowl of beans than those served on an empty stomach?
Have a better piece of steak than the one that came
on the heels of a diet of beans?

Curse the sun on a hot day and bless the rain when it came?
Then find yourself waiting after weeks of rain
for the sun to peek out of the clouds?

Realize that now is what you have, good or bad, and that the pain and suffering
of human existence is what makes the small pleasure great
and the minor comforts heavenly?

Perfect paradise is all around you and you don't have to wait for it
because it's already waiting
for you.
. . 081130
Lemon_Soda I travelled across a desert,
The Sun in its glory,
Burning upon my back,
and when I reached the other side,
I was blessed,
To kiss the dew from the grass
In the early morning.
~ ~ 150106
Cyote flower Every where that you are if you allow it. Open up to the flow and reconnect yourself to the whole, earth_mother misses her children.

Let go of fear. Feel the love. erase_complacency and redefine_comfort, safety_is_relative. What's more important ? Your body or your spirit?
what's it to you?
who go