Annie111 is what i just saw.

It shouldn't be legal to have George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the same movie. OUCH! It's burning in here...

I_would_do either of them.
Jenna Fuck yeah I just saw that too.

Good movie, cept for some of Julia Roberts lines.

(The guys are funny.)

Brad Pitt is fucking hot in that movie though.

under the influence of whiskey
Jenna I meant Jenna *is* under the influence of whiskey

is a walking case in point
ClairE I knew Annie started this one. 011210
aaaaardy Saw it. Great movie except for the casting of Julia Roberts. When she made her grand entrance, and Mr. Damon's character said "Here comes the best part of my day," I had to wonder how anyone could think that her looks were even close to the "best part" of anyone's day. She's a stick of a woman who walks like a cow. Her lips appear ready to explode at the slightest touch, which maybe explains why so many of her kissing scenes abruptly end by someone or something interrupting the moment. Is it just me? Wouldn't Cameron Diaz or Michelle Pfeiffer been a bit closer to the "best part of my day?" 011211
ilovepatsajak hahahhaha 011211
Jenna Clooney: Does he make you laugh?
Julia: At least he doesn't make me cry.
Clooney: I believe I paid my debt to society.
Julia: I don't recall getting a check.
Her lines were crap, all crap.
save the balcony for birdmad blame the screenwriter
(although i'm not particularly a fan of julia)

an unecessary remake

kinda like Van Sant's Psycho

(heche was effective, viggo mortensen was good, but vince vaughn couldn't carry tony perkins' jockstrap in that movie, i'm sorry...)
r_r . 090607
fghio fghio 101114
what's it to you?
who go