sab 5 march 2002
puredream Oh to hear you dream...

play me your music one last time won't you?
sab last_night_i_heard_you_scream 040606
taintedluv I am sick of you and your "dreams" mine matter? 040607
no reason and in the dark we will take off our clothes
and they'll be placing fingers through the notches in your spine
sab oh no reason, thats fucking beautiful 040608
pete I remember bits of my dream last night. Coffee and a reverberation echoing through each new episode. All the while I remember that song, hallejulah, and the blue eyed girl from the night before last. She looked to me through my dreams that night, and woke me with her kiss. 040609
no reasons a little sheepish um...thanks sab, but actually the words aren't mine. *blushes* i should have quoted them. they're from the song "two-headed boy" by neutral_milk_hotel. 040609
phil I dreamed I was Howard Stern. 040610
witchesrequiem And I'm sorry for the pain.. 040611
emmi the other night our dreams spoke to each other. i mumbled and you answered. you breathed my air and i breathed yours. when i woke up i remembered and smiled.
you had left to work by then, and i wonder if you remember.
birdmad vs this mortal coil song_to_the_siren 041018
cactus patty you were talking, really it was mumbling because I couldn't understand what you were saying....
were you dreaming of me? Or were you re-living your stresses and emergencies that your brain hasn't processed yet?
what's it to you?
who go