oren Chop-suey is not a native Chinese dish, it was created in California by Chinese immigrants. 060402
somebody As with the fortune cookie, 'tis rumored. 060903
thieums Think... Thing...
Rething... Rethink...
Thing again.
Think akain!
Keepink from thinkink
Singink or sinking?
Ouroboros Did he offer me the job because he just wants to fuck me? 090211
ever dumbening a job _and_ a lay? um, invite me to your candyland sometime. 090216
unhinged it's all i do: rethink

the look
the touch
the words
the lack

maybe it's time to nonthink things
Ouroboros there were no brontosauruses 090217
ungreat It's time to rethink things, like this wedding, and these people, and eachother. I still look at men and think about fucking them how easy they'd be. I think about doing it how you'd never know. I wonder if you think the same things. You have this new job that eats up all your weekends and you expect us to be ok? I'm not ok if I'm the one who's schlepping from state to state for a chance to catch a glimpse of you. I'm rethinking this. the wedding maybe is all to soon. I'm rethinking being one of those girls who's all in or all out. I think it's time to rethink, regroup and put this all together. 090218
daxle I feel like rethinking is all I do these days.
I am about to completely flip my life upside down.
I know there's no way to really know how things will turn out, but I think I should at least think about how they might turn out.
Or maybe just jump?
(rethinking rethinking)
what's it to you?
who go