sabbie i just want silence.

lying in bed at 3am
nothing at all.

the enveloping dark
the gentle quiet

hush now world

i just need
a second of
notme to go to bed now
no more mice please
Darla why do you always want me to go to bed?

i feel rejected. You always say, "Oh it's time to sleep," and you expect it to be completed. I feel like a puppet you take out of a box and play with only when YOU want to.

I don't see why it has to be that strict, or cut and dry. Is it always going to be exactly what you want?

Turns out I am the crippled play thing, but I have to pulverize my spine because I almost really don't think these orders are intended to be obeyed, that's why I question everything. And what happens if she listens and follows through? Nothing? As usual. Nothing.

Like Trent Reznor and I CONTROL YOU. How many people really understand how Further Down The Spiral really is intended to operate? Am I alone, save for those few who actually invented the process?

There's a song by STP and it's like somebody tell me/I was the last to know and I feel like I'm stuck in that song.
what's it to you?
who go