karl the weed fuck you for being happy, all of you. and if you arent, fuck you anyway.

whitechocolatewalrus didn't realize anyone was happy. 031214
er I didn't realize "fuck you" was a way to get hugs 031214
farky the third didn't realize that marmots are the new black 031214
celine de-ionizer marmosets are sooo last season, though. 031214
niska sure it is...

fuck you too, karl. *hug*
karl the weed thank you.
i think im better now. i mean, im done being hostile anyway
stork daddy it's what i say to myself when i smile 031217
paradox i want to be like you, but i can't be until you like me. that will never happen so i'll go back to bed. until you decide to tease me out of boredom for a while, until another staircase revalation. fuck you. 040315
Syrope it's so hard to understand how i'm not bitter that you'd rather be with someone else, but that i AM bitter that you're ready to be so blissfully happy without me

"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and faling into at night."
- Edna St. Vincent Millay

i want to see you happy
i want to see her happy
i think i might accidentally not be around this weekend if she manages to come visit

maybe this failure will make me treat the other current prospects with a little more reverence
dances_of_blather_iv dances_of_blather_iv 101020
fucked once too often brenton 101021
what's it to you?
who go