bloody potato chip stop it! 040112
pipers think of PURPLE ONES

(complete with DISHWATER)

bloody potato chip and dishwater! 040112
u24 bloody potato chip? hmm. haven't seen you in a while. or have I just missed you in the depths of the blue? 040113
pipedream dirty dishwater! 040113
celestias shadow ohhh, it's too late for me! you, get out! run while there's still time! 040119
pipedream no! i won't leave you! 040120
Strideo NOO! I can't! Some one tattooed green_monkeys on the inside of my eyelids!
pipers wincing ouch, that has GOT to hurt.. 040121
Strideo not as much as the constant reminder of green_monkeys whenever i shut my eyes!
pipers which accounts for your dishwater-shot eyes, and your distinctly green tinted skin...could it!...that you're turning INTO A GREEN MONKEY?!

*gasps and leaps back*
celestias the green munky RRRRARRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!! *morphs into a green munky right in front of pd's horrified eyes* 040125
pipers summoning all superpowers frantically *watches in shock and squeaks*


*watches horrifiedly as the munkies slap five and do a bottom-shakey dance before launching into a version of barney's song*

stooppp! stooppp!

*looks around frantically for nearest exit*
Strideo oh no! i'm a weremonkey!
pipers hahahahaha

where is my stake? where is my stake?

*a prime T-bone comes flying from the audience and hits pipers on the head*
peepers which is worse: dirty dish water, dirty bath water, or the nasty shit that sits under the fridge? 040308
pipers dirty bath water, definitely...bath water is supposed to be fragrant and bubbly and clear, not black and grimy from someone's body gunk :S 040308
r_r . 101129
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 110228
foyoy foyoy 110930
what's it to you?
who go