yummychuckle well, I think a very useful tool at Logans house would be call waiting. The phone has been busy for a very long time now, and i need to tell Logan goodbye before I explode and its too late.

I need call waiting at this house, too. Have it in Hawaii (couldn't live without it), but at home in Maryland...we don't...

i neeeed need need to talk....

black-dyed gel product I don't like call waiting; no one every picks up when they have another call coming in. It's much more effective to just hurl a brick through their window. 010625
Logan I dont know what good call waiting would do for you, I havint been home for like 2 days 010626
fallenhero Funny how she never answers her phone now that she got this handy device. Now i don't even get to hear the click when she hangs up, all I ever hear is ringing. Funny how the police tell me tol leave her alone, and to stay 100 yards away at all times. Funny how she carries mace and a tazer. Let me tell you something, those tazers really do some damage, I seem to be suffering memory loss, and I slur my words. All in the name of love. 010627
sarah never should have been invented. same with caller_id 010820
Jenna My sister wrote a song called "Call Waiting" I kid you not.

She is going to be famous someday.

what's it to you?
who go