Death of a Rose would ya lookit that. didn't even notice it until the blood dripped onto the keyboard. 040323
just another teen fuckup from scratching
at the bloody sores
made with the shiny blades.


"No Mrs. Smith, i'm fine.
The blood?
Oh that! Oh no, I just like my meat rare."

Cover your wounds.
Someone might see
and realise why
you have bloody fingernails.
Probably not
most people walk around with their eyes closed.
It's fine
scratch more
no one will notice.
sab fucking hangnails 040324
Death of a Rose picking at my scabs again is not condusive to proper healing. 040328
x dirty_fingernails 040328
birdmad even after three showers and a literally close to a hundred hand-washings, i nearly ripped my nails out trying to get all of tht vaguely sandy grit out from under them after i made it back into town that morning 040329
uhane kuokoa You cover up your arms so I can’t see the scars; I close my mind so you can’t see the ignorance

But my eyes are open wide, and I see right through you

"pain is such a fascinating horror"
doar "Well stop picking your nose son. Your mining is breaking blood veins." 040330
falling_alone i woke up with the blood beneath my nails i never realized that the itch followed into my dreams. i saw my arms, and the skin was scabbed. 040531
Death of a Rose Accidently sliced the top of my left index finger yesterday. Didn't have any bandaids at the time so it's not going to heal properly. Oh well. 040622
what's it to you?
who go