jane i'm wondering if there is a blather_conspiracy
or if it's just my own neurotic_tendencies
e.a. it's part of the blather_syndicate 020828
give it up well this is one sure way to get attention. 020828
not tonya huh? what was that?

(relax, i'm kidding dammit)
jane i don't know...can i trust you people? 020830
daxle trust like how? if you say the right things everyone will love you, but then another faction of blatherers will hate you because the others love you. there will be criticism and praise and sometimes nothing. sometimes no one happens to read what you say, sometimes no one has anything to say about what you said or other reasons... someone you know may find your blathes some day. someone you used to not mind knowing may continue to read far past when you do mind. they may post about it in their journals which you might find some day. trust like how? 020830
curious king george III i'm telling you right now...plain as day, you can't trust me. but that won't stop you. it never stops anybody. they think i'm kidding. that all my lies are indistinguishable from each other, are all as harmless. ha! don't trust this forum. don't! 020830
~gez~ duck of normandy 020830
jane just plain old trust. no, i know what you mean. but in some ways i trust blatherskites more than people in my everyday life. there's somethins secure about being faceless 020903
Tjousk ... 030604
meta meta 100121
what's it to you?
who go