you dont "really" have to drill holes in your awesome kickass big 60s saucepan. if yOu ever find containers [pots, pans, bowls, shoes, old luggage cases & whatnots] and you wish to retain the duality of usefulness 1] container that doesn't leak 2] plant potter all you have to do is this fill the bottom of the container with materials such as rocks, pebbles, even busted halves or parts of clay bricks... than fill the rest of the container with your potting soil. this prevents the roots from being saturated in the water all the time and prevents [mold, rot, or whatnot] its great for encouraging strong gripping roots that cling to and wrap around the rocks [[[extra added bonus]]] sometimes when you run out of soil as i do ... cuz i have a habit of finding every and any kind of seeds, every & anywhere and growing them to see what they become.. so naturally i run out of soil ... using the 'rocks on the bottom technique' reduces the amount of soil you may not have or need to use for plants also prevents natures little creative creatures from easily knocking over your planting pots... the weight of the rocks, bricks, pebble ... holds em down. [i have this cat that loves to visit my yard, thinks my flower beds are her litter boX, my bulbs her snacks, and my pots i plant her very own ... paw... playing patches. [hOpe this helps you out]
what's it to you?