sab which is odd
because you are often not here

and the fact you are here
and merely trapped behind your firewall

makes it lonlier than normal

it is quiet here
it is quiet in my life today

and that is very strange
no reason which is odd
because you are quiet
lizzy ah..
what wouldn't give
for my life
Bon Ton whispers 040920
Deomis I'm so used to hearing your screams... 041022
Freak I miss you
and hate that i do
sirflaccid I miss you
and hate that i do
dandy I swear I can sense you thinking of me, it is that wistful thought of a twist of your cheek to a half sad smile missing me. Your cologne on the wind ruffling my hair like summer sun remembered, midwinter. Lost in a revolving door of reverie I can't get you out of me again. Memories of your breath fall to the silence of the room and the aching absence from now of how that wave of heat from the blast furnace of our abdomens nearly melted us both down the last time. 041216
FA113N The odd hint here and there. In a line of your poetry, that you're referencing me. One line... you dropping a ring down a drain. you did that to me. are you still angry, or did it seem like a spark of creativity, so vivid you can picture it? 120722
what's it to you?
who go