Death of a Rose another smile lapsed,
another dream abandoned,
another belief expounded.

like driftwood we float,
in strong currents of cold water,
comfort is a final resting place,
to have anchorage admist the debris that carries us in an endless journey.

to teach love is hard work,
to love is to teach daily,
to work hard is love being taught.
fal to think
i was finally asked by a boy
to go out
to go to a dance
to go to dinner
and i left him with vague answers
hoping someone else would ask.
stork daddy want to go dancing, want to go movieing? want to have babies? want to smile and sing and cavort? the cavorting is good this time of year in this locale. shall we? i'm desired, i'm trusty, moreover i'm trusting. shall we? shall we? shall we? 050908
daxle let's have whiskey together 050912
fal let's say my place at 7 050912
stork daddy bourbon i suppose? 050912
fal whatever floats your boat...
welcome to my den
of roaring fires
and promises not kept
the velvet has worn to threads
on the arms of chairs and rugs
where lovers come and go
daxle perhaps some other aeon 060825
LS Hmpf. I have to much work to do. 060825
stork daddy sadly yes sadly no 060825
jane how_soon_is_now? 090210
. eventually these run out too. 090210
what's it to you?
who go