402_325_6058 woot 000807
tourist All I know is that once I got past trying to figure out why me? and It's all Their fault. Things got easier. whether it's because I choose to ignore them or there really are fewer things to disturb me in this life I don't know.But as long as I let things get under my skin, the more things seem to do so.
Thirty years ago, when I used to hitchhike the Interstates I found that if I was in some kind of hurry to get someplace, the rides would Never come.
If I just relaxed and surrendered I would get rides with some of the most interesting people. Maybe it showed on my face, the pensive anxious look that people read in that instant of decision, stop-don't stop.
Or maybe it was karma / grace/luck . who knows.
But when somebody cuts me off, or takes advantage of my good nature ,I TRY to forgive them. and life's been good to me so far.
pink paint
and a partridge in a pear tree.
NinNy Nu Nu bloody plant another
CaRRot then.
devalis "for what misfortune sows he knows my touch will reap"

(Apple, Fiona)
devalis "sow a good seed in the heart of a child, you will reap a good harvest after a while." 020807
what's it to you?
who go