daf If your love is true, young man
Then you will calm yourself down there
Seek not to quench that iron fire
Smoldering below
But rather, tame it
Although the pain of certain places
And the helplessness in breathing
May drive you mad
"Make it go away!"
Embrace the pain, young man
Embrace the pain
Embrace this fair creature not with lust
But empathy
Cherish her tenderness, young man
Lest it be lost to us forever
Along with our innocence

But if you would pillage, young boy
And take her virtue away
Be led by your flame to her early grave
Then take her image in your mind that way
And have your rape with her
Be a pompous fool, young boy
If you must act the fool anyway
And when she goes
Down in flames
And the last of her loving
Fades away
Then feel the emptiness, young boy
Then feel the emptiness
Until the loneliness bids you
"Feel nor more
Feel nothing
Lust away
Go on young boy
Become a whore
To be her lover"

You're not a man anymore
You're not the man you're looking for
You weren't a man the day
You scarred a heart that way.
Advice ... start by embracing your inner boy. Killing the boy within won't make you a man, it will make you a ghost. 080425
what's it to you?
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