redtree how is the corvus imparatus faring in arizona these early days of november? 051101
birdmad still a bit warmer than i'd like to be
(if i could live in a city sized refrigerator kept at a constant range of 38 to 52 degrees fahrenheit...i think i would)

running out of space for my DVD's

laying out the outline for a bizarre horror/fairytale about a city of ghosts and demons

pondering this woman i met and with whom i briefly engaged in a bit of small_talk at the bus stop the other day who bears an almost eerie resemblance to Mia Kirshner in that unfortunate Crow sequel (but without all the makeup)
redtree you will enjoy mia and her appearance in the l word, but the approachable girl at the bus stop is definately worth pondering. have you seen her again?

what are some of the newest films in your collection?

what is the premise behind your
birdmad Latest movie collection additions:

(because i am an entertainment_junkie)

Monster's Ball
Layer Cake
In The Realm of the Senses
Devil in the Flesh
Body Heat
Batman begins
Land of the dead
The Brown Bunny
Trading Places
Betty Blue
Sin City
The Dreamers

MPD Psycho - Multiple Personality Detective (volume 1)

Star Wars Episode III
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

because my schedule this week was very inconsistent i haven't seen the girl since last thursday...though i intend to be out of the office at the same time tonight as i was last week for good measure and find out if she ever hits the First Fridays art exhibit

as for the story, i have the basic kernel of an idea, but i'm still cooking it from there.

though i am half-afraid of committing to an idea because when the notion first came to me during the summer it came as a dream of a drowned city and then a week later NOLA was underwater
redtree what kind of work do you do? 051104
bird I am the lead help desk rep and one of the somewhat-further-down-the-line back ups to the system administrator for the small agency which coordinates and establishes contracts between various businesses and State government

I am paid somewhat below market value, but this place puts up with more of my weirdness than most places i've been so i call it a pretty fair trade

meanwhile, she wasn't at the bus stop last night, but then again i haven't seen her there consistently, so i'll just have to try again when i do
redtree and so, what is your weirdness? 051106
birdmad The long, occasionally brightly and unnaturally coloured hair, the goatee, the eye make-up, the tendency to say the kind of strange things at random from my cubicle as the homeless people at the bus stop say to me

and all this while wearing the perennial office standby of "shirt and tie"
the talons of birdmad oh yeah, and the long pointy nails filed to rounded, but nonethe less scary-looking points

(they broke recently, so i'm back at square one in the claws department)
redtree weird?


when did this penchant begin?
what are its influences?
birdmad it began not too long after i reached the age when i stopped letting my mother pick the clothes i bought.

around that time i joined my high-school drama club

a lot of stuff happened that convinced me that the best way to get along is to never stop "playing a part" even though my last turn on the stage was years and years ago

i am a collection of masks and costumes, but mostly not of the literal variety
redtree what other "masks and costumes" do you wear?

do you think everyone wears them?
the many faces of birdmad Bodyguard





I'm sure other people wear their masks from time to time, but there are times when i have not so much simply *worn* the masks as **Inhabited** them to the point of being almost literally a whole other person

For example, from the time i was 16 to the time i was 26 differnt people in different parts of this city who knew me would all tell you different things.

"Oh that nice boy who sings in the church choir"

"Him? that fucker almost killed me"

"that guy? not much to look at, but my God, where did he learn to do that?"

" Oh, (-----), he's sweet...he's a little weird, but nice... a good friend"

"very professional, articulate and task-oriented... An asset to the organization"

"That dude? Smart, but a little 'off' if you know what i mean"

"Sometimes, i think he just might be Satan"
redtree bodyguard?
what capacity?
for someone?
birdmad certain people and their materials

and, for awhile i had something of an occupation in common with Mel Gibson's character in that movie "Payback"

(Not the revenge trip, but something in the character's background)
redtree what art you working on presently? 051120
birdmad not much lately...

i had been working on a suite of tarot illustrations, but for the sake of my own sanity it's probably for the best if i let that project die.

besides, it's taken me 8 years just to get halfway through the major arcana

other than that i occasionally break out a sharpie and a posterboard and some acrylic paint and make something that looks like what keith haring might have done if he had latent aggression issues.

it's still very tentative, but i've managed to knock down the first page of the dark fairytale i mentioned earlier, i think i'll try to illustrate it too
redtree sounds very cool.

any chance you could do a drawing for me?
i'll send you a SASE...

if so you can e-mail me your address.
bird i've got about 5 pages of my little story cooked up now, still trying to come up with some good illustrations.

the bit i posted up the day before yesterday is the new beginning, iu fact.
birdmad send your address to

poisonangel72 (at)

don't even sweat the SASE
redtree any chance you could put up a question to rclg? 071005
bird i can and shall, but when is the mystery 071005
redTree what are your inspirations these days, my brother? 080220
multi tasking bird they are many and fleeting

women here and there
some tasty food
a song
a fragment of a story
an image

as Gainsbourg said

"je fume, je bois, je baise"

which isn't bad, keeps me from falling into the mires of a million small obsessions if i flit from one spark of interest to another

i'm still working, incrementally, on all of the various bits and pieces i've been meaning to send your way
c r 0 w l none other than the bird...nice quote... 080220
redTree how high are your highs?
how low are your lows?
birdmad i think over the last few years i have purposefully shrunk my range.

the sort of manic volatility i used to allow myself may have been killing me in a very literal, physical way.

the downside of this middle ground i've found is that while i am less prone to illness and distress, i feel so much less creative now that i do not have the constant climbing and crashing between the highs and lows.

i'll expand on this somewhere
redTree what are you living for?
what would you die for?
what would you kill for?
birdmad i live for the simple pleasures that occur from moment to moment. anything else requires too much planning and invites certain inevitable degrees of disappointment

i would die for most of my friends and family, though there are a few members of the extended group who have burned certain bridges with me and refused my efforts to reconcile. i will and would die for any cause that can ignite my passion and interest in seeing it accomplished.

i would kill to defend family and friends, even those few for whom i would not necessarily die. i would kill to defend someone who could not defend themselves and who appreared to be in danger, on some days, when my blood_sugar is low enough, i have pondered killing for chocolate, but i suppose that's a tad bit facetious when i'm not in that irrational aggression that comes from a nasty bout of hypoglycemia
redTree you have been chosen as the world's new super hero, but you can possess only one power that you must select from the following two choices...

1. the ability to fly
2. the ability to be invisible

which one do you choose? why?
what will you call yourself?
birdmads flight.

what kind of bird would i be otherwise?

i may be afraid of heights but only because i cannot fly.

The Raven, a celestial trickster and messenger. i could use my wiles and tricks to the benefit of those most in need
redTree are you ready for the_blather_red_book? 081216
bird As ready as i can be...the creative juices have not dried up, but have congealed slightly...i am rather stagnant and static of late. Not enough highs to trumpet and not enough lows to bemoan

it is the weirdest thing.
what's it to you?
who go