kss hey blatherskittens!

things here are crappy. rained like crazy last night and flooded the hotel lobby. chambermaids piggybacked on bellhops to mop ocean of seep water from lime green palm tree carpet. current job is definition of all things bad in software development. thankfully they will run out of money soon, and my shackles will be undone. after a near plank-walking, it was agreed that teleportation not an option. sad news, as I’m desperately missing kittens, kisses. and she's right about the rocket, but hopefully loves me all the same.

take care kids!

hugs and whatnot ~ da king

ps. not sure if it matters anymore, but if it does, somebody poke daffy in balls with a cattle prod for me.
dorothy noseyparker like life plans or dinner plans
the latter is fixable
the former incurable
Irreverent Lovejoy wish you were beer 030213
splinken sometimes it gets cold here and sometimes i drive into the city and sometimes when i'm walking across the parking lot these teenage boys pound on the windows of their minivan with their palms and shout HEY girl, stop walking! come over here! 030309
what's it to you?
who go