margadant11 A child is a fragile entity and we must do everything to prevent their corruptionpop culture fighting us every step of the way, but in the end we are stronger for it maybe. The wheels of time add more sand to the bottom of the hour glass and children’s souls are corrupted at such a young age… Brittney Spears want-to-bees trying to model their selves after an idol that should not be idolized, because they are not role models, but instead trash, or sluttish, which pop culture popularized, bring children into the fold. 030109
margadant11 A child is a fragile entity and we must do everything to prevent their corruptionpop culture fighting us every step of the way, but in the end we are stronger for it maybe. The wheels of time add more sand to the bottom of the hour glass and children’s souls are corrupted at such a young age… Brittney Spears want-to-bees trying to model their selves after an idol that should not be idolized, because they are not role models, but instead trash, or sluttish, which pop culture popularized, bring children into the fold. 030109
oldephebe i get that..but w/o the whole slut referance..but yeah we gotta be the beatfic banner and hold our hearts up high to our children..gotta give 'em a little room to slip and then love them w/o harsh judgements..yeah..

pour on the promenade of the poison pop-culture parade..some soft owrds and a spray bottle filled with glade..and man the whole thorny parent child inculcation i was going for some ironic and insouciant wordage but my wit has petered out.. this is a good page though..

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