kinkazoid once i found this maze thing that was really hard yet addicting and now i cant find it so will someone help me 020710
Mahayana perhaps: blathermaze_entrance ? 020710
sabbie if i was not online
rest assured, i would not answer you.
pobodys nerfect I have no idea what it could be. Sorry I couldn't help. 030603
sixteen blather_maze is the only thin i can think of. 030603
Toxic_Kisses waz it something like this?


I think some one elce was working on it w/ User24 az well
User24 no, DannyH wrote the whole thing, I just got lost in it for weeks and made a map. 030622
User24 oh, yeah, that's the blatheworld

see dh001 or dh0001
jane i mapped out the blatheworld 030622
god i kept going to the station looking for the local hot action. 030622
User24 see blatheworld_directory 030623
Toxic_Kisses PLEASE!!!! I need to know I'm not alone here!! 030912
someone there's always someone lurking about. 030912
Toxic_Kisses You have NO idea how relieved I am to know theres some one elce here!! I know it's silly bc ppl "stalk" other ppl on Blather all the time here and maybe it's just bc it's dark out side but I got scared! *L* I guess I really am silly, but I'm so glad to know someones here besides me!! 030912
notme i'm almost not here does that count 030912
someone with a mean streak who knows... maybe i've got a laptop outside your window... maybe i'm watching you as you type... 030912
notme hu whir you tolkien too write just then 030912
karl the weed dont worry im here! 030912
karl the weed dont worry im here! 030912
realistic optimist oh noes! there are two of them!
as a gemini, i think can handle them...
pobodys nerfect I'm here,but sleeeeeeepy and almost ready for bed 030912
nomme how well does karl get along with karl? 030912
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what's it to you?
who go