not breathing one more breath elegantly posed to death 030825
the faint full lyrics

I feel a warm resistance
Beneath the outer layer
What once moved living organs
Leaks through a thin veneer
Blue blooded royal body
Elegantly posed to death
Not speaking prince now are you?
Not breathing one more breath

Just now the curtain's folding
It falls and lies to rest
So selfish royal brother
You've loved your wife to death
Your ways could not continue
You'd rule with hateful hands
I called you toward the staircase
And I caused your violent end.
sabbie while trying to plunge my hand into your stomach to grasp your breakfast food.

never mind.

i have this knife.

hold still, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it will hurt me.

, cheshire grinning like a homicidal bat
mon i don't want to
run i don't want to face
the truth
. . 050218
person i feel a warm resistance
coming from his way.
he acts like he don't know me
but i know it's not that way.
he wants me to leave
so he won't hurt me
in his despondency.
i try to hug him real close
and tell him he's okay.
but he only gives a sigh
and turns the other way...
what's it to you?
who go