f for friend yeah i will but it won't stop me from being bitter forever after. 100819
anon the world is an evil place to be born
friends are sparse
i don't think friends are people that take you for a ride are they? they are not people that lie either,
in fact, friends are not sparse they are none existent.

don't send strange messages to people if you have not been provoked,

it's quiet inside and that i don't need to share with anyone because i don't fucking need to or want to.

read this if you want to, it's not for anyone.
unhinged you do you
i'll do me


nit what i will do is make sure the arse holes are seen buy this world, welcome to help me if you like.
i will make my own fuckin' newspaper
fuckoff i'd like to help you insert tacks into your eyeballs. 100824
lemon soda are you american? 100824
flowerock developing self motivation to do necesary/good/productive things, even when I don't feelike it. especially when I don't feelike it. taking responsibility for how my actions and choices effect people I care about helps me too.

we can't force people to help themselves. something inside has to click for them.
unhinged cause no one else will 140626
what's it to you?
who go