sab how i laughed at the voi's sentancce yesterday:
I do it sometimme before the end of the world and now

Probably soon. Them darn americans are looking suspicious again.

and yet.
its not very funny.

it's too terrifingly real to be funny.

do you remember the wind?
the night the iraq war started.

the wind howled along the streets, tearing at anything it could find.
the world raged ceaslessly for hours at the stupidity of humanity
it beat it's fists and screamed
and when it finally stopped, exausted, the war was still going.

and we havent really heard from the world since.

i remember years ago, when we first moved here.
one night i was lying alone in the bedroom and the rest of the house was asleep, and from nowhere, this amazing wind whipped up and screamed around and around the house for hours

and i lay there, wide awake
listening to this angushed screaming thinking - somethings going on. somethings got to be going on.

and i got up the next morning to find that the americans had busily spend those hours bombing the living christ out of somewhere in the middle east.

the world knows whats going on
and it's jsut as powerless as i am
to stop this.
am =( 040322
egger . 040322
nemo you can remember the wind, but forget my name 040323
what's it to you?
who go