I had a dream last night.....

you wanna hear that dream?

I said do you wanna hear that dream!?

I was drowning in a sea of liquer.....

And i washed up on a beach made of

The sky was made of L-S-D

And every tree was made of MAriguana..

The cops pulled me over...

But they did not arrest me..

They Sucked my DICK

And after they were done draining every last drop of cum.. out of my cock

GOD came down from heaven.

and he said to me... "Marilyn Manson we will no longer spell the word god..G-O-D"

and i said "how do you wanna spell it god?"

He said

Give me a D!

Give Me an R!

Give me a U!

Give me an G!


~and what does that spell?

Weed Eater I somehow think you'll soon be nominated as the posterchild for anti-drug awareness programs worldwide. 010804
god i was pretty fucked up when i said that 010804
unhinged are a very beautiful thing because if it wasn't for the drugs you gave me i would be sitting here sober pining away for you. it's so much nicer to pine when one is fucked up. 010804
MisterFunkadelic as an educator, i have to toe the party line for my students

but at home is a whole other story.

Damn the man!
from now on i've seen this in three_words twice today 041108
what's it to you?
who go