nom i remember singing this when i was five 060721
nom chanted like a mantra 060721
nom and "i'm rubber you're glue" 060721
the ever so poor melina metaphorical ones, are breaking my bones. words, in fact, can hurt.... congratulate the Organization for me on their ability to fend off one wee little lost scientist trying to make sense of some lost little boat and a lost little mission out in the middle of what used to be the Sea. she wouldn't be convinced that she's worthless but certain types of heady prognisticators might be. it reminds me of those shield defender games. for the sake of .... defending! They will have fun, though, I'm sure of it because they have a better sense of humour. meanwhile poor little thinking too hard and could have been a scientist is still super lost and sick and wondering when death with come, etc. etc. Integrity be damned, she shouldn't head to a place where people are friendly but unfriendly and her poor eyes will just water up when she feels again that harsh and truthless rejection. 080324
. sticks and stones
are hardened bones
aimed with angry art
words can hurt like anything
but your silence has broken my heart
what's it to you?
who go