little bug and that day we bonded over our scars 020620
god that way we bondo'd over our cars 020620
paste! attaboy mondo, you got the tar. 020620
redneckk when you can say you beat the shit out of that guy just for no reason at all, and your restraining order expires in 3 days, why not fuck yourself 020620
fucked once too often If the blathe fits....
You've scarred me deeper than I can feel, and you're never going to love me either, as you so eloquently keep shoving in my face.
You think I don't fucking know??
I lie there hiding in your arms from the pain you inflict apon me.

So, I'm scarred, you're the non-lover,
I guess the crossed part is referring to our legs intertwined as we sleep.
Tildan why is it only once too often?
Does tis mean that each time validates the previous one?
fucked once too often is only a name. Don't take it too seriously. 020621
. testing 020621
fucked once too often One month later found us with legs still intertwined,
but with my scars bandaged and healing,
and your feelings being much further towards the other end on the scale of loving - nonloving.

There is hope yet.
Super Sleuth beware the leg hug- you've seen those unfaithful postcards. 020811
fucked once too often As though I'm not aware of how long three weeks can be. 020812
what's it to you?
who go