Doar it has been placed upon another place,
a place of peace and while it dies, the place it remembers dies as well.

it was planted by my hands, and it was teared over by my eyes, as a wet afternoon , a tour of an afternoon.

We placed Lilies at the decorated tomb and then we left, it seemed as if when in life we were afraid to notice him.

I watched him die, in his comfort chair. I didn't know what to say to him. I muttered something and left.

and there was no rose left.
unhinged it was supposed to be a symbol of
how our_love would last forever
hanging upside down

i threw it out when i moved

i tried to write you an email last night
even in the midst of my inebriation
it seemed like a bad idea
none of the words seemed to fit
i pushed cancel
i threw it out

i wish i could tell you
i still love you
but i don't think you want to hear that
so i'll let you go
and hope that someday
you find the girl
you wanted me to be
what's it to you?
who go