Arwyn John Cusack and Julia Roberts aren't there with witticisms. There usually is no enormous obstacle to overcome (separation by extenuating circumstances, etc). People don't forgive as easily. Arguments are messy, not well thought out with perfect "zingers".

Love is complicated. Love is sacrifice. Love can't just be brushed aside and love takes work. You cannot be selfish. You cannot be judgmental. You can't just say "well I can leave."

Our society tells us that love should be perfect and if it isn't, you can leave. You can't do that. You can't. You're being careless with someone else's heart. You have to respect this person. You have to listen to this person. You have to compromise.

I didn't do any of this. I was selfish. It was still MY life. Not ours. Mine. I didn't listen. I heard what I wanted to hear. I didn't respect him and I saw him as an adversary... not my loving husband who only wanted the best for me. I said till death do us part, but I knew divorce was an option. It's not now. I said till death do us part. I can't go back on that promise. I pinky swore.

I've grown up.
unhinged and i've been disappointed for most of my life because i grew up thinking that it was. but what hollywood doesn't tell you is that 90% of the time hearts don't coincide. and sometimes even when they do coincide it's not completely which eventually pulls it apart.

yeah, love is a lot of work. too much work most of the time.
what's it to you?
who go