In_Bloom I can't speak it
I won't write it
Just trying to breathe right now
hsg *shares lung_capacity with friend*

In_Bloom It helps
I read words
I eat words
I count and breathe

Thank you
hsg any_t i'me my_friend 100205
unhinged the thought of being without you makes me feel like i can't breathe 100205
unhinged the reality of being without_you
also makes me feel like i can't breathe

today i realized why. when i breathe, it shakes lose the walls i put_up around my heart and the tears tumble out. so i keep my breath close to my heart, shallow. the anxiety creeps up. i can't breathe. but at least now, i can fling the windows wide open.
hsg you_can_breathe 100402
unhinged i can
but when i take a deep breathe
it doesn't calm
it upsets

and i am tired of crying
my sadness dissolves to anger
and i am tired of being angry

i'm getting past it
amy nada if breathing deeply doesn't work for you, don't worry. be a shallow breather, one that doesn't expect so much out of her breath. (provided you are not being suffocated.) trust in the air that you get, that it's enough. enough!

(i, for one, am a rather shallow breather, don't really need that depth charge from deep breath. life is deep enough, enough.)
what's it to you?
who go