u24 have you decoded it yet? 080203
smurfus rex not all of it...:) 080204
u24 wheeeee! :D
which bits have you done?
smurfus rex I've gotten everything but the dancing men. 080205
u24 heheheh excellent :) 080206
u24 I actually made a mistake on the binary the first time I did it, so what you have is my second attempt. 080206
u24 a vague hint:

Juvyr gurl ner anghenyyl n cnffvat ersrerapr gb Ze Ubyzrf, gur qnapvat zra npghnyyl rzcybl na ragveryl qvssrerag zrgubq bs rapbqvat gb gur bar Ubyzrf rapbhagrerq.

Gur bar V hfr vf jryy qbphzragrq naq jnf cbchyne va vgf gvzr, gubhtu genqvgvbanyyl gur "qnapr" jnf cresbezrq ol erny crbcyr, naq hfhnyyl abg sbe fhpu juvzfvpny checbfrf.
smurfus rex goodness sakes. when you put it that way, the solution pops out so easily. :)

now I'm wondering about the thingys under the spider...
u24 hey I told you it was vague. lol. I just didn't want you getting sidetracked by sherlock holmes.

what thingies under the spider? I should have taken a picture before I sent it.
u24 a better clue:

bx, vg'f abg n pbqr cre fr; vg jnf qrfvtarq zber yvxr zbefr; abg sbe frperpl ohg sbe pbzzhavpngvba.
smurfus rex Bu lrnu, V tbg gur qnapvat zra cneg...ryrzragnel! Dhvgr va xrrcvat jvgu gur gurzr, fb gb fcrnx. Ab, gurer ner gurfr guerr pvepyrf jvgu yvarf naq qbgf vafvqr haqrearngu jung ybbxf yvxr n fcvqre. V xrrc trggvat guvf srryvat gung V'ir frra fbzrguvat yvxr gurz orsber, V whfg pna'g cynpr vg. 080207
u24 uzz. V ernyyl pna'g erzrzore. Vs lbh pna fubj zr n cvp V zvtug or noyr gb gryy lbh vs gurl npghnyyl zrna nalguvat be abg. :) 080208
IGG hey
it has been a while.

i hope you are well, my tootsie roll friend.

hope you drop by the blue every now and again,
there is a blather_brew and a plate of cookies for when you get back.
fuffle it's my dinner
i thought?
one ism't enough is it!
fuffle my mummy said i can have two dinners cos i need to fatten up a bit. 101006
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
smurfus rex Here's hoping that blather never goes away...

...it's been a long time.
what's it to you?
who go