kim is the crappiest thing on the planet-all hunting is. 000123
miniver 'cause the meat that you buy at the grocery store comes from the magical Meat Fairy of Noseekilleyanimalthereforenokilleyanimal Land.

Human overpopulation is what's crappy.
We're built to think short-term and with an eye that's bigger than the belly - the consumer's eye. There is a long-term-thinking mechanism, but I'd wager it's more of the backup sort - to be used sparingly, at the expense of great effort. So, we let some o'the big things slip. Disease or something will probably catch up, again. It's sorta equal parts depressing and exhilirating to think that we've somehow 'outsmarted nature', but that's just short-term thinking, too, after all. Life is a constant process of 'outsmarting nature'. 'Outsmarted' would imply the end of the process, wouldn't it?

Isn't it strange to imagine that dinosaurs were dominating the earth, once? It's easy to acknowledge, intellectually, but to actually close your eyes and picture a reality of dinosaurs...hrmm. And, if you stare at your feet long enough, you can see how they were once so much more hand-like and versatile, long, long ago.

So, anyway, I don't have a problem with killing an animal or two, by necessity. And I even understand a human propensity to sport hunt (history = propensity? Hah.) In fact, I wish I killed more, myself - not in a psychotic or sport hunting but in a taking-responsibility sort of way.
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