unhinged sadhana_of_mahamudra

the anger without hatred
that cleanses all impurities
unhinged i supplicate you

how the hell does one have anger without hate?
unhinged supplication ? 131229
perfectly_chaotic Maybe anger without hate is anger with a touch of compassion for the object of the anger? 150106
perfectly_chaotic anger_with_a_touch_of_compassion 150106
unhinged he acts when action is required
he destroys what needs destroyed
he subdues what needs subdued
he cares for what needs his care

he is traditionally depicted riding a dakini in the form of a pregnant tigress, surrounded in flames, his skin red, the color of compassion.

sometimes the most compassionate action is knowing when to say no, when to end, stop. his is the anger that cleanses all impurities. his is the wisdom that brings an end to all dualistic clingings.

anger is not bad
compassion is not complacent

you are with me
to break the chain of dualistic perception
to dwell in the primordial awareness
that brings spontaneous joy

to smile as i cry
to stand strong in the ocean of samsara
to face the decay of life without fear or hope

i supplicate you
please grant your blessings
i offer this body
knowing there is no giver or receiver
please grant your blessings

let everyday i open my eyes
be another moment in the dance
of the great feast before me

grant your blessings
unhinged .

(i wish the sadhana came more on mondays. i miss you)
unhinged needed_reminders 180217
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