hsg Martyrdom should not be confused with selflessness. Martyrdom is an ego_trip It's the essence of the golden_thread (not to be confused with the silver_cord, of_course)

And genuine kindness should not be downplayed as martyrdom to make one feel better about being self_centered and selfish. you'll_find_out sure.
unhinged i need to practice like my hair is on fire. my life could taken from me at any second and i am still far, very far from the goal.

activate all the theories
DO something
unhinged my hair is on fire

i need to get my daily practice back
unhinged 'the reality of this moment is that i have nothing to defend...the reality of this moment is that i have nothing to promote...the reality of this moment is that i have nothing to fear.'

thanks nilima and raj
unhinged 'i will neither coerce or abandon my experience' 190402
daf Focus on aiding the victims, not fighting the oppressors.

Remember that you are an extension, organ and instrument of the universe..keep yourself healthy and make yourself ready.
arwyn your value is not based upon your productivity.

unconditional love is a good thing, even if it is scary.
what's it to you?
who go