Doar Notice the flickering neon light, swinging in the light nighttime breeze, " o V canc " flashing on and off.

Your room key is tarnished with the sweat of a thousand others, who turned to cheap hotels and brothels to satisfy hidden carnal desires.

A smoking old lady comes at the call of the bell, to sign you in with mistrust in her eyes, but greed in her hands. She doesn't care what you are going to be doing, as long as it's paid for. Inhale some crack, says her ambivalence.

The paint is peeling and faded on the room #204, and when you turn the key in the lock, of course the door creaks nastily as you swing it open. Then it hits you, the deep musty scent of a room left to its own devices for too long, stale cigarettes, sweat aged sheets, orange light cast by 1960 lamps and in stark contrast is the bathroom light in a sterile flourescent white glow. Like the bathroom hasn't seen it's share of action.
dudeinanigloo *twitches*

somebody ...and then you take out your black light and see the stains of sin and lust 040721
sameolme Ya got anything cheaper? 040721
Borealis I do 040721
oren Well, even though I had hoped it wouldn't be, the decor is done in blues. So predictable. 051106
what's it to you?
who go