come on kids...
here's something you can do at home!
birdmad **implodes** 030825
n0body She is dread. She is the discontentment lurking above your heads, your curled lip of disgust. She is the face you can't help but seeing everywhere, always in its familiarity.
"Have I seen you before? Have we met?" they always ask her.

She is the weight of your sleepy eyes, just trying to make it through the day. She is a migraine in the springtime. She is that piercing high note, that frequency that can even creep inside glass, to get to its center, and let it explode. She is the siren of self destruction, self defeat. She is the self fulfilling prophecy, whispering into your ear, to just lay down, to just go back to sleep, where you can be hers, where she can work herself into your insides like a virus, eating away at your vital organs.

She is what keeps you sitting on your couch, watching a program you hate, only to leave you more exhausted. She is immobilizing sloth, rolling in on itself. Sloth is a self sufficient thing, you needn't feed it with external stimulus; it feeds itself. She is the lactic acid which builds up in your legs after heavy physical activity, its only prevention is to keep going. Movement. Change. Hers is the stillness, the stagnancy, monotony, contentness. A gluttony.

[ .A massive pieces of matter in which it is possible to drown in, a quicksand. ]
oldephebe nicely done 030826
misstree indeed. 030826
what's it to you?
who go