roger waters you target for faraway laughter! 011217
roger waters you stranger! 011217
roger waters you legend! 011217
roger waters you martyr! 011217
god and shine 011217
roger waters you raver! 011217
nah....! you reached for the secret too soon 011217
nah....! sorry roger, i fucked that up.
: (
roger waters it's okay, dear.
i don't hold grudges against such loyal fans.
roger waters let's get it going again, shall we? 011217
nah....! yes.

you seer of visions!
roger waters you painter! 011217
nah....! you piper! 011217
roger waters you prisoner! 011217
not god and shine 011217
set the birdmad for the heart of the sun was displayed and played rather prominently on this evening's episode of the X-files 011217
nah....! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 011217
nah....! crazy_diamond 011217
god on x- files?!
The writer was an obvious Syd affecionado... when "Dylans" love interest asks
him who Barrett is, he doesn't use the words acid casuality, crazy, nervous
breakdown,etc... Instead, he tells her that he was a brilliant man who had
difficulty being understood by those around him. Personally, I have always
felt that most of the so-called bizzare behavoir stories displayed a
dedicated artist who despised the commercial aspects of the music bizz. (Pat
Boone show, Dick Clark show,, Top of the Pops, etc...) and who had no peers.
For those who missed the show, the main character, whose name was "Dylan"
wore a Barrett tee-shirt through the entire episode; his room was filled with
Barrett posters; he rode a Bike; nearly the entire length of "Terrappin" was
played when his love interest climbs through his bedroom window one night
(Golden Hair?) ; "No Good Trying" was also featured; his long-missing fathers
skeleton is discovered in the attic wearing a Barettt tee-shirt.
I wont give away the plot but will say that it poigniantly addresses the
tradegy of love lost due to bio-chemical differences in people.
This was a major plug, and it was witty and ultimately,moving. Try to get a
hold of it or catch it on the reruns if you can.
spider from mars sunburster 020904
roger waters shine_on you crazy_diamond,
R.I.P. Roger "Syd" Barrett set_the_controls_for_the_heart_of_the_sun to get to the_great_gig_in_the_sky 060711
god diamonds and clubs
light misted fog
the dead
god diamonds and clubs
light misted fog
the dead
god diamonds and clubs
light misted fog
the dead
what's it to you?
who go