The Schleiffen Man Most Dangerous Sex Technique

Undoubtedly the most dangerous singular activity would be autoerotic asphyxiation. Usually performed by adolescent males, this technique is the deliberate constriction of blood flowing to the brain while, uh, masturbating. The lack of oxygen produces lightheadedness, supposedly enhancing the sexual experience.

As you can imagine, squeezing the blood out of your brain isn’t the healthiest of activities. On occasion the carotid artery collapses, producing unconsciousness in seconds, and eventually death. One researcher estimates 500 to 1000 deaths annually nationwide, so this is not something you should approach offhandedly. Also, not only do you run the risk of dying, you also risk looking incredibly stupid when they find you.

Want to know more? Check out The Breathless Orgasm: A Love map Biography of Asphyxiophilia by John Money et. al (1991).

In his book The Sex Chronicles Lance Rancier outlines an extremely dangerous act once practiced by Asian prostitutes:

[Japanese prostitutes working] in the Hong Kong harbor offered the ultimate pleasure to a man. The service was expensive to the man and dangerous to the woman. The Sampan girl, working in a boat, leaned over the side of the boat and ducked her head into the water. The customer entered her from behind, experiencing exquisite vaginal spasms around his penis as the woman reacted to her near drowning. She pulled herself out of the water just before she lost consciousness, usually after the client had experienced an intense orgasm.

Needless to say, you shouldn't try this at home.

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