Doar crushes me beneath it's tidal embrace. 050816
Doar leaves me with that returning sense of feeling like a numb limb returning to life once more. 050816
Doar returns to me the blood that rushes back into the vacant spots left after you stop. 050816
Doar hinders the progression of thought and becalms a raging storm. 050816
doar makes each little subculture a repetoire of descent. 050816
Moron repetoire=repertoire 050816
unhinged tumbles me back down the old familiar hole after you leave 050816
pete remains even when its forgotten 050816
Piso Mojado weight of your being 050817
megan when you laid on top of me today
and kissed me
and held me
and nuzzled me
and told me that you were gonna keep me
and that you weren't going anywhere
i couldve cried

the weight of your kiss is light enough to let me have my wings
but sturdy enough to keep me grounded

the simple act of being silent together
very together
brings a certain peace to my world that i can't get anywhere else
while everyone else is yelling and screaming
i am quietly blissfully enjoying every nook of your body and every corner of your soul
unhinged leaden obsession

subtle impression
persepctive altering
featherlight burning
unhinged perspective
pete it's not so much a weight 070619
wigglewurm as the taste you leave behind

that can't be washed away
:-D whos who ? i dunno there might be lots of people called Tony Blair ! 070620
unhinged weak

like you were weaning me off you

if i would have known
that was going to be the_last_time
i would have let you know
what you'd be missing
what's it to you?
who go