hsg "The spiritually_awakened_person [sap!] is one who knows that he or she truly is a "nobody", and is willing to be so. Such a person knows that the only real hindrance to enlightened living is precisely this false notion of oneself, this narrow and total identification with the ego-self, and its appendages. Let go of the baggage of the ego-self, and be free!"

In_Bloom Today was mostly devoted to taking more things from under the bed and stacked in the small closet and saying goodbye to them.

Tonight I am lighter of things and feel invigorated. Soon I will be sure. Soon I will know whether or not I can pack the essentials of my life and this small room into my car in less than an hour and not have to wonder or choose.
unhinged i used to be able to fit my life in a suitcase. i used to have a strange kind of freedom in uncertainty. i could go anywhere. i could do anything.

i am weighed down by stability, by work, by toil and paying off bills. i am weighed down by the responsibility of teaching children and trying to change their little lives. i am weighed down by being underappreciated and alone.

i think it's time for a change of scenery.
what's it to you?
who go