yummychuckle 1. exboyfriend in another state that I miss
2. GUY in canada who loves me
3. flirty attatched guy
4. guy that is supposedly going to ask me out soom and thinks I'm "hot" (ah mutual feelings)
5. new friend that is flirty and ....just dumped. lookin for a rebound.

i don't know. occasionally I feel a tad bit wanted.

but some of these boys arent too happy with eachother. my best chance for a right now thing is that guy thats supposedly wanting to date me.

ah. sean. shawn. however he spells it...


oh. and his favorite band is metallica. he has the same guitar that the lead guitarist (whoever that is) form metallica has.

i swear to god, he is my next exboyfiend. all my exboyfriends loved metallica.

????is it a requirement????
yummuchuckle typo...or was it??
yummychuckle typo...or was it??
girl_jane pretzels and m&m's 020519
ha ! o.k. i own up !

in me history class room i was digging signs into the desks... Nazi signs !

they forgot i was dispexic - they are back to front !

whhooops didn't mean to ! ...

bbbuuuuuzzzzz theres a fly in the french class too !
the world should speak english thats why !
what's it to you?
who go